Manhood Pain from Paraphimosis Can Be Serious

Whether intact or cut, manhood pain can be an issue for all men and can come about from a variety of causes. However, paraphimosis is a manhood pain-causing condition which is, by definition, limited only to men with an intact sheath. Knowing about paraphimosis and what to do if it occurs is an essential part of practical manhood care for intact men.

What is paraphimosis?
Many intact men are familiar with the term phimosis, which refers to a situation in which the male has difficulty retracting the sheath back from the head. In phimosis, the sheath is too tight (or the head too swollen) to allow for the easy, comfortable sliding back and forth of the sheath. This can cause considerable manhood pain in a man.

In paraphimosis, the problem is not that the sheath cannot retract; the problem is that it has retracted successfully but cannot return to covering the head. The sheath becomes “trapped” behind the head, and in that position forms a tight “grip” near the base of the head. The tightness causes manhood pain; of even greater concern, however, is that this can caught off blood flow to the head. If this situation continues for an extended period of time, it is possible for gangrene to occur, which in the worst case may require removal of a portion of the affected area.

What causes it?
Paraphimosis is fortunately rare, occurring in approximately 1% of males aged 16 and over. Although it can occur at any age, most incidences are reported in adolescents and in elderly men. The reason for its occurrence in these population is due to its causes.

There are generally two main causes of paraphimosis. In the first, it is due to the sheath simply not being sufficiently loosened. During puberty and adolescence, as the manhood grows and achieves adult status, it may take time for the sheath to loosen sufficiently. Adolescent boys stroking themselves vigorously may unintentionally create a slight trauma that wedges the sheath below the head.

In elderly men, the cause of paraphimosis tends to be related to improper handling of the manhood during catheterization of the manhood.

Bacterial infection, trauma to the manhood and inadequate hygiene are also factors in paraphimosis development.

As indicated manhood pain usually accompanies a case of paraphimosis. There is also the visual clue of the sheath being stuck behind the head. Redness and tenderness of the manhood are also common signs, as is difficulty in urinating. In extreme cases in which blood circulation has been impeded for too long, part of the head may turn black.

If a man believes he may have paraphimosis, he needs to promptly contact a doctor. It is important that the condition is alleviated before gangrene has a chance to set in. AS a physical examination of the manhood is required, this may result in a visit to an urgent care clinic or emergency room.

The first order of business in treating paraphimosis is usually to alleviate the manhood pain, which can be considerable. Next it is necessary to try to manually replace the sheath over the head. Since the manhood may have become swollen, this may require “icing” the manhood to help the swelling go down and to enable the sheath to move more freely into place. If this does not work, the doctor may need to puncture the swollen area so that fluid can be released and the swelling diminished. Sometimes the sheath may require a small incision to help the swelling to subside. Antibiotics are usually prescribed after treatment.

If gangrene has occurred, the doctor may need to excise the damaged tissue.

The manhood pain associated with paraphimosis may require extra care; daily use of a top notch manhood health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help with soreness. Look for quality moisturizing agents in the selected crème; she abutter and vitamin E are especially good for hydrating the skin and keeping it supple. In addition, vitamin B5 should be part of any good manhood crème; this pantothenic acid aids manhood cell metabolism and helps maintain healthy tissue, keeping the manhood skin fit and in good order.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy manhood. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

M-learning Offers A New Concept Of Distance Education

Mobile Learning is learning using personal electronic devices. This learning is done across various contexts, through social and content interactions as a form of distance education. In Mobile Learning, which is also called as mlearning the candidates can use their personal mobile device or any other electronic device for learning at their convenience. The most advantageous point in mlearning or Mobile Learning is that it is accessible from anywhere and everywhere. You can share any document or study material instantaneously among your other entire peer group who are using the same document. Therefore, you can also expect to receive instant feedback and tips. Many students have benefited from this and the success rate of the students has also substantially increased using this learning concept. The percentile has skyrocketed from fiftieth to the seventieth and the drop-out rate has reduced drastically by 22 percent with mlearning. You do not have to carry books and notes everywhere as everything can be viewed in your personal mobile phone. All that you need to carry is your mobile.

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How Much Stress Can Affect Your Life?

Stress is the body’s natural reaction in responding to any kind of threat or demand. It is an automatic defense to protect yourself from possible danger. Helping you to stay alert, focused, and have enough energy, in a nerve-wracking situation. Stress can save your life but can also be a threat to you if it stays longer than it should be. Facing overwhelming challenges in life, especially emotional, can cause major damage to your health, productivity, mood, and quality of life.

When facing a stressful situation, the body releases hormones including adrenaline and cortisol that makes your heart beats fast, breathing quickens, muscles tighten, and senses sharpen. These help you have enough strength, stamina, focus, and ability to respond quickly – preparing you to either fight or flee. These are helpful and works great for physical stress which usually subsides after a few minutes to hours.

Emotional stress tends to stay longer but manifest the same physiological reaction that can be unhealthy. Imagine having frequent or prolonged heavy breathing, faster heart beats than regular, and staying more focused than usual. This can disrupt the normal functions of your body systems making you sick. It can weaken the immune system, develop heart problems, affect the digestive system, speed up aging, trigger depression, and may result to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.

The more you are exposed to overwhelming challenges in life the easier for your stress responses to trigger making it difficult to shut off. Taking steps to reduce stress is crucial to prevent its harmful effects. Some techniques you can do to control stress are:

Yoga – this involves both exercises and meditation which are good for mind, body, and breathing. It promotes relaxation which is the opposite of stress.
Sports or hubbies – physical activities produce endorphins that helps relieves pain and stress. They also act as good diversions from the pressure and tensions you are experiencing.
Quality Sleep – not having enough rest can make you irritable, restless, lose focus, and easily get tired. Sleeping restores the body, regulates mood, and sharpens your judgement and decision making.
Support system – having an outlet when you are in a tough situation is necessary to help you cope up. Talking to a trusted friend or family may not always solve your problem but it will surely make you feel better.
Professional help – if your stress is becoming a burden, interrupting your productivity, causing sleep problems, and making you feel anxious constantly then asking for a professional help may be necessary before it becomes worse.

Stress depends on your perception. Something that is stressful to you may be positive for others. For instance, you may have a stage fright while others enjoy the spotlight. You may panic and feel nervous when work demands escalate but others strive and perform best under pressure.

Stress is anything that puts high demands on you. This includes not only negative events in life but also positive ones such as: getting married, having a baby, buying a house, building a business, or receiving a promotion. All have the same effects in the body which can affect you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Since stress is a normal part of life, taking control over it is necessary to live healthily, peacefully and happily.